Barcelona Express – day 4

With 3 days of hitchhiking done and 3 more to go we were exactly half way this morning. The atmosphere at breakfast was really good. I think the amount of food really contributed to that and the fact that most people got a decent night of sleep. And also the camping was really nice right on the river and with […]

Barcelona Express – day 3

Last night we spent the night in a fort. In my previous blog I already wrote about it… but I hadn’t been able to show the video that I made when it got dark and a party was launched in the fort…. What a magical place aye? So this morning we woke up hearing a lot of confusion around us. […]

Barcelona Express – day 2

Today was already the second day of Barcelona Express for the Dutch competition (Go Dutch!). And let me tell you, it was again a great day. So the team behind Barcelona Express organizes a bunch of events in the evening after the hitchhiking is done. I am convinced they forgot that people need sleep. Last nighs schedule involved the winners […]

Barcelona Express – day 1

Barcelona hitchhiking competition ! Just a couple of months ago I saw this Facebook advertisement for a hitchhiking competition to Barcelona… It immediately got my attention. Ever since my mom had told me about her hitchhiking adventures I’ve been more than keen on trying it myself. So this competition that I saw is called Barcelona Express. A competition where money […]

Why I love to travel alone

For the last 3 years I’ve started to take trips on my own. The first solo vacation was to the Dominican Republic in 2014. It was, unsurprisingly, a holiday focussed on Scuba Diving. Well technically my first solo trip was in 2005, when I was 19, to New York for an online game meet… But once arrived in NYC I […]

Big island of Hawaii…. you have stolen my heart

Whilst sitting at the airport, waiting for my flight to Los Angeles, I’m looking back on the magical month I got to spent on the Big Island of Hawaii. The islands of Hawaii have always been a dream of mine to visit, so when I was finally able to go to one, it was time to pick out the right […]

A city-trip to Liberia

Last Friday I had my first day off and I decided to spend the day in Liberia. Liberia is the capital of Guanacaste, a province in Costa-Rica. When I traveled to Costa-Rica I also flew to Liberia as it is only around 40 minutes from Playa Del Coco by taxi. This time, I decided to take the bus to enjoy a […]

It is officially ‘Chaos Week’

In exactly 7 days I’m starting my journey towards Central America. My good friends Miranda and Ruud will be dropping me off at the airport Schiphol and then I’ll be on my way to Costa-Rica. The journey door-to-door will be just under 24 hours, a serious day of travelling! I’ll be spending 2,5 months total in Costa-Rica and after that, […]

Travel preparations (Time to panic!!!)

So I booked my flight to Costa-Rica! I’m arriving at Playa del Coco in less than 25 days. Time to panic! Time for travel preparations! Anyone who slightly knows me, knows I work best under stress and in chaos. I’m one of those people that can get the best results last-minute, which drives my friends crazy sometimes. But this time things […]